Video presentations

We invite submissions of videos related to trauma care, accompanied by abstracts, for consideration. The Scientific Committee will accept videos  related to all aspects of trauma care, from pre-hospital care to rehabilitation. Videos should be no longer than 07 minutes and must be narrated in English. All videos must be original productions. Alongside the video, please submit an abstract that includes:

– A 250-word maximum summary of the trauma  case presented.

– Five keywords related to the video content.

– One educational or technical point addressed in the video.


Video Formatting Guidelines


Videos must be in MP4/H.264 format with a minimum resolution of 1920×1080. Do not upscale standard-definition (SD) sources to high-definition (HD).


Ensure clear, undistorted audio recorded in a quiet environment. Operating room (OR) audio should only be included if directly relevant to the content.

File Naming:

Name your file using  last name/s of authors followed by initials, and the video title.

Submission Requirements

  1. Originality and Quality: Videos must be original productions, fully edited, and include a clear English voice-over that aligns with the visuals. The video should not exceed 07 minutes, and background music is not permitted.
  2. Title Slide: Begin the video with a title slide displaying:

– Video title.

– Name(s) of the author(s) and/or co-authors.

– Institution where the case was handled /surgery/procedure performed.

– Location (city, state/country).

  1. Disclosure Slide: Include a slide immediately after the title slide disclosing any conflicts of interest.

     4.Patient Privacy: Ensure patient privacy by obscuring names, removing personal information, and blurring faces unless directly relevant to the procedure.

  1. Content Details:

– For clinical cases, provide a narration covering medical history, diagnostic work-up, and outcomes.

– For procedural videos, detail the surgical / procedural techniques and components of the procedure.

– For process improvements, include comprehensive details.

6. Copyright: Do not use copyrighted images, illustrations, or videos unless you hold the copyright.

7. Legibility: Ensure all text and graphics are clear and legible in the final rendered video.

8. PowerPoint Slides: If using PowerPoint slides, keep content at least 50 pixels from the screen edges.

9. Use of Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence): Please state weather generative AI technologies were used to create your abstract. Examples of such technologies include ChatGPT and DeepSeek. There are no penalties for such assists but they should be acknowledged. The use of corrective technologies such as Grammarly or a spelling checker do not have to be listed (and are in fact, appreciated by the reviewers)

10.Modification of submissions: You will be able to modify your presentations after submission up until the deadline of 15 August 2025 11:59 SL time. Review of submissions will begin after that date.

     11.Multiple submissions:  If you wish to submit more than one abstract, please complete a separate form for each.

  1. Submission of videos : Please Submit via this email ;


Review Process and Notification

 Each submission will be reviewed by a panel selected by the Scientific Committee, including at least one organizer from the session to which you attached your submission.

Reviews will take place between 16th August and 31st August 2025. The submitter will be notified by email regarding the outcome of their submission by 02nd September 2025.

If your video  is accepted, the presenter will need to register for the conference (deadline to be announced).The registration fee is USD 100/- for international participants and can be paid at the site of the conference. Instructions for presentation and uploading of slides, posters, and pre-recorded videos will be announced after the deadline for submission of abstracts.


 Publication in Trauma Secretariat Video Library /You tube channel

With your consent, accepted videos will be added to the Trauma Secretariat Video Library / You tube channel. You retain ownership rights, allowing you to present the video at other conferences or remove it from the library/ channel  if desired. However, we request that you refrain from selling the video while it is part of the library/ channel.



Please contact us on if you need further clarification.

Abstracts of the 2024 National Trauma Conference can be accessed via Sri Lanka Journal of Trauma