You Can Save a Life!


Traumatic injuries remain the leading cause for hospitalization in Sri Lanka. It is the world’s 4th leading cause of death and the number one cause of lost life years.Only second to traumatic brain injury, some 40% of all trauma deaths are the result of blood loss ( source ; death from severe bleeding requires training in the recognition and treatment of life‐threatening bleeding, as well as programs to ensure immediate access to bleeding control resources.

Penetrating wounds, blunt trauma, and injuries from shearing forces can also lead to life-threatening bleeding. Absence of timely treatment in these cases can result in a mortality rate of up to 50%, more than half of which could be prevented with adequate hemorrhage control by bystanders. In LMICs, trauma alone leads to an estimated mortality of 90%, with 80% of them occurring in a prehospital setting, having twice the odds of mortality as compared with HICs.” (source ).   

The Stop BLEED (Stop Blood Loss with Emergency Equipment & Devices) initiative seeks to educate and empower people to be immediate responders and provide control of life‐threatening bleeding until emergency medical services arrive/definitive treatment initiated.